Hi! Thank you for viewing my website. I’m Aimee’ Jules and I'm a professional photographer and Filmmaker based in Nelson, New Zealand.
My Story
I’ve always been drawn to the outdoors. Growing up, my dad was that classic parent—always with a camera in hand, capturing moments that we now look back on fondly. Even though I’d roll my eyes at his calls to “Smile!”, those early snapshots planted a seed that would grow into a lifelong passion.
After high school, I moved to Wellington to study Industrial Design at Victoria University. While experimenting with different creative styles and borrowing my brother’s Canon 700D, I dabbled in many forms of photography. But in my early 20s, something shifted. I took my camera on a hike, and in that moment—standing alone before a massive vista with beautiful, ever-changing light—it all clicked. There was no greater rush than capturing that feeling of wonder: a deep sense of amazement and admiration for something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.
My love for the outdoors runs as deep as my passion for storytelling. I live in the mountains, rivers, and valleys of New Zealand’s South Island, and every adventure fuels my creativity. Working with outdoor brands feels like the most natural connection—melding my authentic experiences with the stories that inspire our shared community. Through genuine, real-world narratives, I aim to bring that breathtaking beauty to others and celebrate the vibrant culture of the wild.
Follow my Journey on Instagram - @aimeejulesphotography
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my work
Aimee Jules