So about a week ago one of my friends discovered fairly cheap tickets to the Chainsmokers concert in East Berlin, and us being the spontaneous humans that we are one week before the concert we booked the tickets and off we for a weekend adventure! Arriving in Berlin on Saturday morning I was so excited for my first experience in Germany, it felt like I was living in a dream. Until I was very abruptly woken by the task of jumping on and off trains/trams and buses... it truly is a fine art and reading and remembering names of places that look like they belong in some Dr Seuss book is extremely dificult! If it wasn't for my amazing German travel buddy I don't think I would have made it to half the places that we did! Actually reflecting on this trip I am amazed with how much we were able to fit into 3 days...
Straight into action we spent the first two days doing the most typical tourist activities like visiting Brandenburger Tor, the Parliament building, presidents house, Siegessaule (victory column), Check point Charlie and Museum Island. Every location exceeded my expectations and it was amazing to see such important places and buildings up close and be able to feel the power that they held. And of course take some of the most iconic photos ever...
These places were amazing but out of everything that we did (excluding the concert - ill get to that later) there were two moments that really stood out to me. The first was on Sunday morning, I had planned to get up early because I wanted to catch the sunrise but I forgot to set my alarm and only woke up at 8 am.. still determine to go for a walk I went off with just my camera and my phone on 10%. We were staying at the Baxpax hostel which is actually in the perfect location of travelers and I would highly recommend, right next door is the Berlin river so this is where my walk started. It was freezing, but on this brisk Sunday morning I learnt a very important traveling lesson.. Sunday mornings = no swarming tourist around the city hot spots so actually my walk was super peaceful. I journeyed along the river leading towards Museum Island, the sun was shining and it was just so nice being by myself in a new place where there is so much to explore. Just a week ago I would have never thought I would be sitting river side in Berlin in that moment. I love being spontaneous and never regret it when I am, its just that initial push out side of your comfort zone that opens up so many doors.
After hours and hours spent walking and exploring it was finally time for the Chainsmokers concert, the actually reason we came to Berlin and let me to be the first to tell you.. they did not disappoint! We were lucky enough to get such a good spot in the crowd only a few rows from the front and somehow managed to not be completely squashed while danced the evening away, their energy was infectious and we really did have so much fun! Being surrounded by people that are just so happy to be in this moment watching two brothers living their dream is something special and I hope to find myself on many more spontaneous adventures like this in the near future.
3 days in is gorgeous city was just enough time to take it in and see some iconic sights, but it so easy to be overwhelmed by the crowds and fast space city life. Berlin is one of those places that has always interested me but I have never thought through planning a trip there. You see I'm the kind of girl that loves fresh air, mountains, beaches and space and Berlin doesn't really fit this target group... But in saying that I did have an amazing time on this trip and that feeling you get when you are standing at the base of this grand monument that stands with such greatest and power - there's really just nothing else like it.
Watch this Space....never stop smiling