A day in Amsterdam... where do I even begin! This City is absolutely Beautiful - stunning historic buildings weaved between hundreds of canals, one day was definitely not enough. We arrived at the central train station around 9:45 am and set off to the city center - with no plan we were slightly lost on what to do and where to start but quickly found a walking tour and decided to tag along. Despite extremely cold weather the sun was shining and we were on our way to our first stop of the tour in the Red Light district. Now this was not a sight that I had intend to see on my visit to Amsterdam but nevertheless we strolled through the narrow streets at 11 am, I kept my head facing forward and managed to make it out reasonably unscathed! The next few stops on the tour consisted of some historic buildings and insightful facts from our guide as we worked our way through this maze of a city. I would highly recommend doing a walking tour, we were able to site see and learn some new facts with minimal effort as well as get a good general understanding of Amsterdam.  

After some lunch in a local dutch cafe I meet up with some of my friends from New Zealand and we made our way to the canals. Jam packed with other tourists we set off for an hour on the water, we got to see a lot of the city from the comfort of our seats while our enthusiastic guide kept the spirits high with some joyful music and dancing. A canal cruise is such a typical thing to do in Amsterdam but all for good reason, even if you don't have the luxury of having a private boat it is totally worth it in my opinion. 

Next stop of the day took us the the Rijksmuseum and the icon 'I amsterdam' sign, which on the weekend you are incredible lucky to just get one letter to yourself! Of course we had to get a photo in front of the sign, however we decided against visiting the museum. I think museum's can be great but personally I'd rather spend my money else where - so on we went for a freezing cold walk through the city and settled on a drink at a dutch bar. Quality time was spent playing cards and backgammon, the perfect way to spend our last few hours in this gorgeous city! Though I feel like we achieved a lot in this short day I know that I will definitely be back here when the weather is slightly warmer to venture further!


At the beginning of 2017 I did what every YouTube obsessed, wonder-lusting millennial does and wrote myself a list of new years resolutions. Work out more, eat healthier and do more of what makes me happy, but once I passed my basic ‘white girl’ list needs I actually dove a little deeper and noted goals that I would actively implement into my daily life. One of these goals was to challenge myself more, I was bored of living in the comfort zone and have noticed over the years that the moments when I feel most alive are when my heart is racing and I give myself a genuine challenge. So, I am proud to say that 8 months ago I began my biggest challenge yet and signed up to study abroad!


So here I am 8 months later sitting in my new home in Eindhoven, Netherlands - 18,500 km away from home for 5 1/2 months! If that’s not a challenge I don’t know what is….
I have been here for almost two weeks now and I feel settled and ready to tackle this challenge. Leading up to this trip I was incredibly excited but as it get closer I definitely began to get very anxious about it, all the things that I couldn’t predict started getting to me and I was questioning why I was leaving everything thing that I knew so well. But being the person that I am I instinctively pushed those feelings aside and focused on the task ahead, I knew that everything was lined up I was going to live out my dream to travel.
Getting on the plane my heart was racing and my emotions where at an all time high, I was excited about getting there but sad about leave – lets just say I was very confused in the feelings department! After a 12 hour flight to Hong Kong I was absolutely exhausted, I knew it was going to be boring, but my gosh I was not prepared for it to be THAT boring… and I was only half way! A quick stop in Hong Kong and then an even more boring 13 hour flight lead me to Amsterdam. I arrived at 6 am and was so excited to see some familiar faces. I was lucky enough to have some friends kindly pick me up from the airport and we drove to the city of Eindhoven where I am living studying for the next half year! Jet lagged but determine to stay awake I was thrown into Dutch culture and ready to experience anything and everything!

I have not been here for long but I am so excited for everything that I have ahead of me. Life is too short to live the same mundane routine, experiences are what make you who you are – if you aren’t pushing yourself then you aren’t living up to your true potential.

Need more motivation? Check out Yes Theory they inspire me everyday!

Aimee Jules x